Conjunction Meaning in Hindi with Examples

Conjunction, known as “संयोगकर्ता” or “संयोजन” in Hindi, play a crucial role in language by linking words, phrases, and clauses. These small but powerful words help us form coherent sentences, making our communication clearer and more effective. Understanding conjunctions is essential for anyone looking to enhance their language skills, whether in Hindi or any other language.

In Hindi, conjunctions are categorized into several types, including coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and correlative conjunctions.

Coordinating Conjunction

Coordinating conjunctions connect words or phrases that are similar or of equal importance. Some common coordinating conjunctions in Hindi are:

  • और (and): Used to add information.
    Example: वह आम खा रहा है और मैं केला खा रहा हूँ।
    (He is eating mango and I am eating banana.)
  • या (or): Used to present options.
    Example: तुम चाय लो या कॉफी?
    (Will you have tea or coffee?)
  • लेकिन (but): Used to contrast ideas.
    Example: वह खेलना चाहता था, लेकिन बारिश हो गई।
    (He wanted to play, but it rained.)

Subordinating Conjunction

Subordinating conjunctions connect a dependent clause to an independent clause, indicating a relationship between the two. Some examples include:

  • क्योंकि (because): Used to explain reasons.
    Example: वह जल्दी घर आया क्योंकि उसे एक जरूरी काम था।
    (He came home early because he had an important task.)
  • जब (when): Used to indicate time.
    Example: मैं पढ़ाई कर रहा था जब उसने फोन किया।
    (I was studying when he called.)

Correlative Conjunctions

Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to join equivalent elements. For instance:

  • न केवल… बल्कि (not only… but also):
    Example: वह न केवल अच्छा खिलाड़ी है, बल्कि अच्छा छात्र भी है।
    (He is not only a good player but also a good student.)

In summary, conjunctions are vital for creating complex sentences and expressing relationships between ideas. By mastering conjunctions in Hindi, you can significantly improve your writing and speaking skills, making your communication more fluent and engaging.

Conjunction Examples (उदाहरण):

  1. और (and)
  • वाक्य: वह आम खा रहा है और मैं केला खा रहा हूँ।
  • (यहां “और” दोनों क्रियाओं को जोड़ रहा है।)
  1. या (or)
  • वाक्य: तुम चाय लो या कॉफी?
  • (यहां “या” विकल्प प्रस्तुत कर रहा है।)
  1. लेकिन (but)
  • वाक्य: वह खेलना चाहता था, लेकिन बारिश हो गई।
  • (यहां “लेकिन” दो विपरीत विचारों को जोड़ रहा है।)
  1. क्योंकि (because)
  • वाक्य: वह जल्दी घर आया क्योंकि उसे एक जरूरी काम था।
  • (यहां “क्योंकि” कारण बताने का कार्य कर रहा है।)

इन उदाहरणों से यह स्पष्ट होता है कि संयोजक शब्द वाक्य के विभिन्न भागों को जोड़ने में मदद करते हैं।


  • Ruchi Tiwari

    Ruchi Tiwari is a seasoned Communications Expert and my expertise in Hindi Writing, I specialize in crafting tailored public relations and communication strategies for the Indian market. My passion encompasses various domains including marketing, advertising, social media, influencer marketing, corporate communications, media and entertainment, fashion, lifestyle media, and heritage brands.

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